Ravaglioli Wheel Balancers. Our Most Capable New Range for 2018
Tire technician like the simplicity of the new powerfull computerized balancers. No more complicated and awkward procedures to enter for accessing more advanced balancing functions. Each RAV wheel balancer utilizes a 4 color key pad to select the functions you want. Most balancing functions are completed without any key selection at all. The RAV balancer intuitively knows what type of weight placement you want, then, the machine sets itself automatically to that particular mode. You simply lower the hood and it completes the cycle in an average of 6 seconds. The balancer then guides you to proper weight location and amount. The smart software guides the balancer whether you desire tape weight, alloy, static, or dynamic mode. Our upper range machines have premium features such as stop on top, eco-weight program, automatic tape weight placement, tire and wheel eccentricity and optimization, and much more.