RAV Heavy Duty Scissor, Four Post, and Mobile Column Lifting Systems
From 20,000LBS thru 100,000LBS RAV has lift models of all types and sizes to fit your needs and budget
As one of the world's most experienced scissors manufacturers Ravaglioli offers scissors lifts with platforms in many sizes and with a full array of accessories available. Our HD four post lifts are mechanically driven using drive shafts and transmission for the smoothest, quietest, and safest operation possible. Regarding mobile column lifts, RAV has the most complete range of sizes, types, adaptors, and accessories in the industry. Lifting capacities range from 7,000 to 22,500LBS per column. We offer both mechanical screw or hydraulic power choice.....sets of 4 columns that operate on as little as 30 amps total or rechargeable battery power available on some models.